Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Water Conservation (on a lighter note)

One of the reasons that our home qualified as a "Green Home" is because we have one very special toilet. When we had our "walk through/homeowner orientation" with the builder, they pointed out that our toilet has two flush buttons. One for "solids," one for "liquids." It took me a second to understand what the guy was saying. It's a very special toilet indeed.

Our agent suggested we label the flush bottons "1" and "2" to avoid confusion. What do you think?


Heather Pelczar said...

So... if you number your buttons, does that mean you get one big marshmallow for #1 and two big marshmallows for #2...or is it just so you know which one to push? If it is just for flushing, I would say it isn't worth the effort.

Hilary said...

Absolutely! I love marshmallows, but I don't like them lingering in my toilet.

Cat said...

that's an odd conversation to have with guests (of which I hope to be one, so consider OUR conversation had).
please press 1 if you do a #1. please press 2 if you do a #2.
if you choose to do a voice over system, you could also teach them italian, popular southern words and phrases, or even hindi.

in australia (how many of my comments start with this?) they have a light flush vs a heavy flush.

what I want to know is, what happens if you have a ghost ken? does that count as a #1 or #2?