Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Everyone in our neighborhood seems to have a home-alarm system installed, with the reassuring little sign out front warning any prospective no-goods that they had better not come-a-thieving, because "This House is Protected by ADT!!" or some such.

A guy from an ADT competitor company - "Vector" - had come by and talked to Whitney before about getting one installed, you know, because he was terribly worried about our safety. Well, we talked about it, but thought, "nah - civil society is based on trust" (i.e., "We can't afford $50/month!!!!").

That didn't stop this concerned citizen from continuing to come by and leave Vector signs and literature on our door, reminding us that we could have the edge over any scurrilous curs who dared to breach our hallowed sanctuary and sully our utopian domescticity. Ok so that's not what the signs on our door actually said - but that's what they meant.

Anyway, so we came home from school today and found THIS inside our house:

Uh... did that guy just break in to our house to leave this thing here? At first I thought perhaps he shoved it through the door and it fell onto the carpet, but I don't think it fits through the door, and we found it way over by a piece of furniture a few feet away from the door.

I took a good look at that sign and wondered whether being an "authorized dealer" authorized this simp to trammel my haven. It advertised "Quality, Integrity, Customer Care" -- I think to be more accurate it should have read, "Vector - we KNOW crime..."


Tim said...

i have an extra sticker you can have:

security sticker

very idahoan, though. :D

Heather Pelczar said...

Can you press charges for something like that? If you had a security system he would never have gotten in, you know...

carol said...

Ummm...the police man's daughter says...CALL THE COPS! CHANGE THE LOCKS! AND CALL VECTOR!

seriously - at least call Vector and figure out what the deal is with that and definitely invest in a one time $50 to change the locks.....

ps - it's good you took a picture...evidence

Sharad Yadav said...

Dude - are you saying this guy got through your locked door?

Sameer Yadav said...

Thanks for your concern everyone!!! Actually, I think it's okay -- I went outside and shoved the sign through the crack near the door hinges as hard as I could, and it went in. When I went inside it had landed very close to the place I found it originally. So no worries. Glad I thought to reproduce the crimse scene - Thank the Lord for CSI!!!!

Hilary said...

Man, I'm so jealous! I wish someone who knows what they're doing would break into our home!

So sick of these amateurs.