Saturday, October 20, 2007

Analysis: Our Refrigerator

**I wrote this last Saturday but didn't post it because blogger wasn't allowing me to upload pictures for some I'm posting it here even though this picture is awful. (as if the other pictures on our blog are great) What is that bright light in our freezer? It's kind of creepy.**

A picture of the happy fridge, as per Catherine's request. I guess the freezer doesn't look very different from the empty picture below but it does happen to contain the first piece of meat that has been brought into this home. We've been vegetarians at home since we moved in for reasons that were more financial than dietary. It's actually been great. Vegetarian recipes are fun and colorful. In the refrigerator you'll notice the eggs - those are the first eggs that have been brought into the house. I just haven't had occasion to use them yet but a spinach/pine nut quiche is on the menu this week so they were a must. At the top of the fridge is the first bottle of milk this kitchen has seen (wow, what a splurge at the grocery store this week - lots of firsts I had been avoiding for a while.) Also at the top of the fridge is one of our favorite treats: Fage yogurt* (Greek yogurt) with honey. We eat it with walnuts. It's delicious. I wish we could eat it everyday. What you can't see is the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. It is completely full of grapefruit, tangerines, oranges, lemons and limes. Sameer is developing a serious juice drinking problem. He squeezes it all by hand and it is excellent. It's bordering on excessive but I keep buying his citrus for him because I'm sure it's good for both of us.

*A note about Greek yogurt - I don't even like yogurt (it makes me gag) and I love this stuff. It's the best dessert. Last spring I was at this little store in New Haven looking for yogurt because someone had scared me about osteoporosis and the fact that I don't drink milk (don't worry - I eat a lot of dark green leafy vegetables). All they had was Fage yogurt and it looked weird so I didn't buy any but a week later I decided to try it and I am now a fan. It is strained so it's really thick and not watery like regular yogurt. Try it!! (You can find it at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's but it's way more expensive than your "everyday" yogurt)

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