Monday, January 28, 2008

Sorry No Posts for a While... But Please Accept This Goaty Goodness

The guy who coined the euphamism "like a deer in headlights" had to be kicking himself after he saw this...


Kasey said...

I want one!!!

Sameer Yadav said...

who doesn't? There's probably a waiting list of some kind...

Cat said...

I want goats... :(

Heather Pelczar said...

That's hilarious. What's cooler is that God actually meant for these guys to get stiff solely for our amusement. What other purpose could there be? How awesome is that?

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

There are also chickens who do this as well. You can search on youtube for videos of them. Pretty cool though!

Anonymous said...

hey thats cool hey how did you get the you tube vieo into your blog oh by the way ive created a new on please go to miss you guys!