Monday, September 24, 2007

Wooja Radder?

Maddy liked to play the game "Would You Rather...." (affectionately known as "Wooja Radder?") with us when we were in Idaho this summer.

Here is a real life "Wooja Radder?" from school today.

While attempting to study, and forced to sit next to a
couple of college freshman -- would you rather:

1) that they are having what they think is a deep
discussion about, like, philosophy, and stuff, where,
like, they are totally thinking about stuff like
whether reality, like, totally, is like *real*, or if it
is just, like, your mind thinking stuff but it really,
like, is just your *MIND* and NOT real... whoa.


2) that they are an ultra cutesy couple
who are talking to each other about how
one thinks the other is really cute, etc. etc.
interspersed with ridiculous displays of affection
that are completely unjustified by the context (e.g.,
I just got back from the bathroom, let's hug, or, I
finished reading this sentence, let's make out)...


carol said...

Hmmmm....that depends on if I'd rather

1) ask some inane question to confuse or confound or frighten the thinkers. "Well let's see...if I punch you feel the pain...or do you just THINK you feel the pain?" This is best followed with a demonstration.


2) use the drink tabs (coke/diet/other) on my Carl's Jr. cup to shoot straw wrapper balls at the make out couple

carol said...

ps - look Whitney - I left a comment! (I finally successfully verified my google account today! For joy! For joy!)