Friday, June 22, 2007

The Office, My Office

I never thought that having a "normal" job working with adults could provide as many funny moments as teaching piano lessons did. My students used to say the weirdest things. Sometimes I would write their hilarious quotes in my day planner because certain things should not be forgotten.

Now I work in a large office with dozens of people. We have enough characters for a whole new version of The Office.

There's a nice older man who sits 2 cubicles over from mine. We'll call him Ernie. Ernie is so kind. He was one of the first people to introduce himself to me and he walks by my desk several times a day always saying "Hi Whitney." Last week I was in the lunch room washing my lunch dish and Ernie came up to me and said, "Hi. I'm Ernie. What's your name?" Reminded me of a certain scene involving Creed.

On another office note, we had "Diversity Day" last week.

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