Noah is over 4 months now and is at such a fun age. A few weeks ago, he seemed to turn into an "easy baby", almost overnight! He actually sleeps much more now than he ever did as a newborn. In addition to taking a few decent naps everyday, he also sleeps through the night most of the time. Sometimes he'll wake up at 1 or 2 am but even that is easy because he eats for 20 minutes and then goes right back to more hours and hours of fussing/feeding/never sleeping all throughout the night. He has also figured out how to get his thumb into his mouth and that seems to really aid his ability to comfort himself. Oh, and it's just plain cute!
He has several favorite toys that he enjoys holding and playing with. His pacifier is one of them - he no longer uses it to suck on but instead will hold it in front of his face and talk to it in bed. We hear quite a lot of baby conversations on the monitor when he talks himself to sleep.
Just the other day, we started having him take naps in the crib in his bedroom. He still sleeps in the pack 'n play by our bed at night and I honestly don't know how I'll ever transition him into his own room at night. Since he seems to like his crib, I think Noah will adjust just fine but I don't know how I will adjust!
The jumperoo is Noah's newest source of delight. It plays music when he jumps and he gets this really silly grin on his face when he's in there. He also spends a few minutes in the bumbo now and then. Sometimes he seems really proud to be sitting up in there but mostly he just looks concerned.
Noah loves to be read to. It's become our little before nap/before bed calming tradition. He can sit through a whole book or two and likes to touch the pages. (Who am I kidding? All babies like to touch everything and he's probably just trying to figure out how to eat the pictures.)
Apparently, he loves eating just as much as he loves playtime and books. At his 4 month appointment last week we found out that he now weighs over 16 pounds. He looks bigger than a lot of the older babies in the nursery at church. I'm excited about the automatic strength training program for my arms!
As sitting in church this morning reminded us, there is nothing especially unique about Noah's crazy play time shrieks and trills but we still make a big deal over each and every crazy new sound he makes. Sometimes it really sounds like we live in a zoo. He is so fun to listen to! He also does this funny thing with his tongue. The sound it makes leads us to believe that it might be his version of a kiss.
One thing about him that is unique, however, is his crazy hair. He was born with a bunch of hair, but now, it is OUT OF CONTROL! It is so long and it does whatever it wants.
Every new stage is so fun but this is all definitely going too fast. Sameer disagrees but maybe that's because he's with him during the day while I work. I always love getting to the weekend so I can be with my baby all day - but then every Saturday Noah is a week older and I just wish I could slow it all down.